Adult hippocampal neurogenesis:

From regulation mechanisms to functional impact

See our presentation video here.

               And a more recent presentation video here.

Adult neurogenesis is the continuous formation of neurons. It occurs in two areas of the brain of all mammals: the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus. In the latter, new neurons play a crucial role in memory and mood control.

Our questions are:

Why and how is adult neurogenesis restricted to these two areas?

Can we enhance this mechanism and if so,does it improve memory or mood control ?

How do new neurons integrate into the pre-existing neuronal network ?

To address these questions, we use various approaches:

  • in vitro culture of adult hippocampal stem cells, neurons, astrocytes, microglia
  • Large-scale biochemical analysis
  • Advanced transgenic approaches
  • Remote control of cell activity
  • Advanced microscopy
  • Behavioral tests

By better understanding how stem cells are maintained and regulated in the adult hippocampus, we hope to shed light on one of the most fascinating form of brain plasticity and maybe, use this process for novel therapies.

The TONILAB is affiliated to the following: 

Our research institute: The Center of Psychiatric Neurosciences, Department of Psychiatry, CHUV

Our Alma mater: Faculty of Biology and Medicine, University of Lausanne

Scientific societies:

The Stress Network: A Swiss association for the promotion and education on stress research.

The Swiss Society for Neuroscience

The American Society for Neuroscience